Friday, May 13, 2011

friday blast from the past–a young woman of character

Gives you a lot to think about, doesn’t it?  This educational video, ca. 1954, was the inspiration for the Friday Blast from the Past Outfit – perfect for an afternoon strolling in the town square with your greasy beau, and then sharing a milkshake at the diner soda fountain counter -


Square scarf €6.89 Scarfworld


Anadyomen cardigan €91.00 Anthropologie


Vintage 50’s skirt $38 eBay


Cream wedge espadrilles £29.99 Kindred Sole



Vintage handbag fan?  Then check out Ladies Handbags: 1950 to 1965 by Heleigh Bostwick, and more fun 50’s trivia at Rewind the Fifties.
 Enjoy the vintage magazine covers slideshow in this next video featuring the number 1 hit song from June-July of 1954, Little Things Mean a Lot, sung by Kitty Kallen. And note the following Youtuber’s comment on said video -

“This was Top of The Hit Parade when I first met my wife to be in 1954. So, it is a bit special for us. We are still together all these years later, after a long and happy marriage.”

Now, on that surprising and inspiring note, don’t forget to clean those nails, ladies, and go out there and have a wonderful weekend.