the colors in this plaid are pale pink, brown, cream, and black -
first a little red is introduced – it helps to repeat the color at least once just so nobody thinks it was an accident ;) in this case the belt and the shoes are red -
then a bigger dose – (also the visual waistline was dropped by bringing the belt lower – this updates the shape of the dress (which is at least 6 - 7 years old) -
the following color combination would be more expected -
to give it some snap some grey-violet tights were added -
here the sandals and tights are unexpected and update the dress -
a chambray shirt is unexpected but it reads nicely like I am just wearing plaid with a light wash denim -
here is how I wore it last year – it felt really rogue then :)
and here is how I will wear it this year -
it’s much more Georgy Girl mixing the black and brown accessories than going all tan like I did last year - the tan is more laid back but we are heading more toward glam chic now than hippy chic -
a combo of both -
this next combo is completely off the loop but it is just to illustrate the point -
Don’t try it when you are tired or hungry or you will get a headache. :)
Why do this?
One way (and there are many) to update a clothing item that doesn’t cost you a thing is to wear it with unusual and unexpected colors.
This causes the eye and the mind to read the piece in a new way really throwing off the context of the era it came from.
We see color with more than our eyes – we also read color with our mind.