Saturday, February 26, 2011



                                          Credits: Disney via

You can put together an outfit with 6 simple rules 

Can you handle more hollaback from the 90’s?

How to do fashion week and how not to

Wife’s honeymoon outfits were cruel – Excusee?

Dear Marilyn: I love clothes….– Dana

Oscar picks for best costume design – to see the original drawing next to the end result is absolutely magical

Friday, February 25, 2011

friday blast from the past–girls just want to have fun

Take some inspiration from these pieces and create your own retro or more modern girls-just-wanna-have-fun evening look this weekend -

Pick a dress with some flare -


E-Label Fit And Flare Dress  £60  ASOS


Vintage Prom Dress  $62  Etsy

Double, even triple up your belts -


Reiss Pippio Narrow Chain Buckle Hip Belt  £49  ASOS


Hackett Woven Belt  £50  ASOS


Reiss Elmore Multi Row Chain Belt  £69  ASOS

Pick vintage feeling or casual comfy shoes, then kick ‘em off when you get where you’re going -


Converse Slouchy  £30.99  Office Shoes


River Island Tamsin Kitten Heel Stud Shoes  £44.99  ASOS

red flat

Red Flats  $83.99  Bluefly

Think about footless or fishnet tights and a silly hat just in case anyone tries to take you seriously -

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Fishnet Tights  $5.95  Amazon


Vintage Tweedy Flower Hat  $9.45  Etsy

Add a fun feminine drawstring evening bag you can swing around when you are skipping down the sidewalk -


Feather Pouch Bag  $40  Etsy


Vintage Black Velvet Wristlet  $25  Etsy

Accessorize with shiny ankle bracelets to show off bare happy dancing feet -


2 Vintage Ankle Bracelets  $10  Etsy

Add kitsch earrings to make people smile -


Skull Earrings  $45  Etsy

And go have some safe fun – remember it’s more about “girl” and “fun” than “tart” Smile

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Monday, February 21, 2011

inspired by jill barthorpe


painting Windy Day by Jill Barthorpe


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Calf Length Midi Skirt  £45.00  Asos

80’s Vintage Acid Wash Jacket  $5.99  Ebay

Cream Turtleneck  $88  ShopLAStyle

Boots  $89.99

Catarzi Lady Hat  £30  Asos

quote of the week–a russian poem

Quote of the week posts are FFT or

food for thought, baby – food for thought


Unrequited Love

Love unrequited is a crushing yoke;
but if you see love as a game,
a trophy,
then unrequited love’s absurd, a joke-
like Cyrano de Bergerac’s odd profile.
One day a hard-boiled Russian in the theater
said to his wife, in words that clearly hurt her:
'Why does this Cyrano upset you all?
The fool!
Now I, for instance, I would never
allow some bitch to get me in a fever...
I’d simply find another one-
that’s all.'
Behind his wife’s reproachful eyes there gleamed
a beaten, widowed look of desperation.
From every pore her husband oozed,
it seemed,
the lethal sweat of crude self-satisfaction.
How many are like him-
great healthy men,
who, lacking the capacity to suffer,
call women 'chicks' or 'broads';
it sounds much tougher.
Yet am I not myself a bit like them?
We yawn
and play at shabby little passions,
discarding hearts as though they’re last year’s fashions,
afraid of tragedy,
afraid to pay.
And you and I, no doubt, are being weaklings
whenever we so often force our feelings
to take the easier,
less binding way.
I often hear the inner coward whining,
from murky depths my impulse undermining:
'Hey, careful now;
don’t get involved...'
I weakly take the line of least resistance,
and lose, who knows, from sheer lack of persistence,
a priceless chance of unrequited love.
A man who’s clever and can use his head
can always count on a response from women,
for poor Cyrano’s chivalry’s not dead:
it is not men who show it now, but women.
In love you’re either chivalrous
or you
don’t love.
All men of one law stand indicted:
if you can’t love with love that’s unrequited,
you cannot love-no matter what you do.
God grant us grace that we may know the pain
of fruitless longing,
unreturned emotion,
delightful torment as we wait in vain:
the hapless happiness of vain devotion.
For secretly I’m longing to be brave,
to warm my ice-cold heart with passion’s burning;
in lukewarm love affairs enmeshed,
I rave
of unrequited love and hopeless yearning.

Translated by Michael Glenny

Yevgeny Yevtushenko
